HOME Suggestions regarding the Outlook plugin GPGol Suggestions regarding the Outlook plugin GPGol Common QuestionsInstallation


The plugin can be installed using the the Gpg4win Installer. The next time you start Outlook, a GnuPG tab will be added in the Tools -> Options menu :

The first two options of this tab allow you to set default settings to do with encrypting and signing new messages. Note that you can always change these settings when creating new messages.

The option "Save decrypted message automatically" will save attachments as unencrypted text (after decryption). As a result, the attachment can be read anytime without having to decrypt it again.

The option "Automatically sign attachments" ensures that attachments are automatically signed along with your main text. For this purpose, an attachment with a signature is created for every attachment included in the message.

The option "Also encrypt message with the default key" allows you to enter the Key ID of your own key so that your messages are automatically (and additionally) encrypted using your own key. This allows you to later retrieve, decrypt and read messages in the Sent folder.

The option "Also decrypt in preview window" is only feasible with very fast computers; at the present time it has only limited operational capacity.

The option "Show HTML view if possible" enables you to view a message in HTML format. In most cases, or when an HTML format is not available, it will be shown in text format.

There are a number of preset default settings which take effect after initial installation. However, you should also ensure that you are not using Microsoft Word to compose messages. We also do not recommend using HTML messages.

You can set these option using the Mail Format tab in the Tools -> Options menu. Your settings should look like this:

HOME Suggestions regarding the Outlook plugin GPGol Suggestions regarding the Outlook plugin GPGol Common QuestionsInstallation