Deutsche README Datei für Gpg4win
Dies ist Gpg4win, Version 3.1.11 (2019-12-17).
1. Wichtige Hinweise
2. Änderungen
3. Anmerkungen
4. Versionsgeschichte
5. Versionsnummern der einzelnen Programmteile
6. Rechtliche Hinweise
1. Wichtige Hinweise
Hilfe bei der Installation und Benutzung von Gpg4win bietet Ihnen das
Gpg4win-Kompendium. Sie finden es nach der Installation
auf Ihrem System (wo genau, ist abhängig von Ihrer Windows-Version)
oder online auf
Bitte lesen Sie den Abschnitt "3. Anmerkungen" dieses READMEs,
bevor Sie Gpg4win nutzen.
Im Kompendium finden Sie weitere Hinweise zur manuellen oder automatischen
Gpg4win läuft auf Windows Versionen 7 oder neuer (bis Windows 10).
32- und 64bit-Systeme werden unterstützt. Wird mindestens Windows XP verwendet,
können einige Komponenten von Gpg4win verwendet werden, sie sind allerdings
nicht offiziell unterstützt.
Das Outlook-Plugin GpgOL ist kompatibel mit Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013 und
2016 (sowohl 32 als auch 64bit) und unterstützt E-Mail Transport per SMTP/IMAP
und MS Exchange Server (ab Version 2010).
Mit Gpg4win Version 3.1.2 wurde die Unterstützung für Outlook 2003 und 2007
aus sicherheitsgründen entfernt.
(Aktuellste Angaben auf .)
2. Änderungen
Die integrierten Gpg4win-Komponenten in Version 3.1.11 sind:
GnuPG: 2.2.19
Kleopatra: 3.1.11
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.4.4
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Neu in Gpg4win Version 3.1.11 (2019-12-17)
- GpgOL: Verbesserte Kompatibilität mit anderen Klienten
für S/MIME Mails. Zum Beispiel mit dem Outlook Web
Interface. (T4543 T4525)
- GpgOL: Mails die zu groß sind um auf einem Server, mit Limits
für die Mail-Größe, verarbeitet werden zu können, werden
nun mit einer eigenen Fehlermeldung behandelt. (T4731)
- GpgOL / Kleopatra: Die GnuPG-System Konfiguration kann nun
versteckt werden.
- GpgOL: Es gibt nun eine weitere Konfigurationsoption um
den Dialog zur Zertifikats-Bestätigung auch bei voller
Automatisierung anzuzeigen.
- GpgOL: Mails werden nun nicht immer als HTML klassifiziert.
- GpgOL: Es funktioniert nun auch Mails als Dateien abzuspeichern
wenn diese in einem eigenen Fenster geöffnet sind.
- GpgOL: Ein seltener Absturz wurde behoben der beim öffnen
von Mails aus dem Dateisystem passieren konnte.
- GpgOL: Der Dialog zur Zertifikats-Bestätigung hat nun
Info Knöpfe um Details anzuzeigen.
- Kleopatra: Der Dialog zum beglaubigen von Benutzerkennungen
wurde überarbeitet um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern.
- Kleopatra: Neues Feature "Tags": Beim beglaubigen einer
Benutzerkennung kann man nun zusätzliche Tags angeben.
Diese Tags können verwendet werden um Schlüssel zu
gruppieren oder danach zu suchen. Es werden alle Tags
angezeigt die von Schlüsseln mit vollem Beglaubigungs-Vertrauen
angelegt wurden. (T4734)
- Kleopatra: Es erscheint nun eine Fehlermeldung wenn bei der
Datei-Verschlüsselung ein Schlüssel nicht gefunden werden
- Kleopatra: Die Smartcard-Verwaltung unterstützt nun
auch OpenPGP 3 Karten. Zum Beispiel neuere Yubikeys.
- GnuPG: Netzwerk-Operationen sind nun deutlich
schneller wenn IPv6 nicht verfügbar ist. (T4165)
- GnuPG: Vorbereitung auf "chosen-prefix" SHA-1 Kollisionen in
Schlüssel-Signaturen (Beglaubigungen).
Diese Änderung ignoriert alle SHA-1 basierten Beglaubigungen,
welche nach dem 19.1.2019 erstellt wurden.
Dies betrifft alle DSA-1024 Schlüssel.
Die neue Option --allow-weak-key-signatures kann verwendet
werden um das alte, unsicherere, verhalten wiederherzustellen.
(T4755, CVE-2019-14855)
- GnuPG: Auf Version 2.2.19 aktualisiert.
(Siehe: für weitere Neuigkeiten.)
- GpgOL
* Crypto E-Mails, die als Anhang weitergeleitet wurden,
werden nicht verarbeitet.
* Integrierte Microsoft spezifische OLE Objekte sind nicht
* Als weitere Sprachen sind nur Englisch, Niederländisch
und Portugiesisch verfügbar.
- Allgemein
* Für Version 3.2 planen wir mit GpgOL, optional, in einen stärker
automatisierten Modus zu wechseln. Dies würde die GnuPG-Option
trust-model tofu+pgp
Da das neue Vertrauensmodell noch nicht vollständig in Kleopatra behandelt
wird (insbesondere bezüglich Dateisignaturen), ist diese Option
nicht voreingestellt.
Sie können sie jedoch manuell in der gpg.conf setzen. Das neue
Vertrauensmodell wird von GpgOL bereits unterstützt.
4. Versionsgeschichte
Eine aktuelle, deutschsprachige Übersicht der Änderungen finden Sie online
Im Weiteren finden Sie die Einträge aus der englischen NEWS-Datei:
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.11 (2019-12-17)
* GpgOL: Improved compatibility with other clients for S/MIME
e.g. the Outlook web interface. (T4543 T4525)
* GpgOL: E-Mails which are too large to fully decrypt / verify
on a Server with E-Mail size limits are now handled with a proper error.
* GpgOL / Kleopatra: The GnuPG-System config page can now
be hidden.
* GpgOL: There is now an additional configuration option to
always show the security approval dialog, even with full automation.
* GpgOL: E-Mails are no longer always classified as HTML.
* GpgOL: Saving E-Mails as files now also works when the
mail is opened in its own Window.
* GpgOL: Fixed a rare case where GpgOL could crash when opening
a Mail from the file system.
* GpgOL: The security approval dialog now has additional
info buttons to show extended information.
* Kleopatra: The certify dialog has been reworked to be
more user friendly and require less clicks. (T4649)
* Kleopatra: New Feature "Search Tags": When certifying a user
identity you can now add additional "Tags". Tags are shown
which are made by any user that has full ceritification
trust. They can be used to group or search keys by additional
information. (T4734)
* Kleopatra: There is now an error message when a key could not
be found during file encryption.
* Kleopatra: The Smartcard Management now also works for
OpenPGP 3 cards e.g. newer Yubikeys.
* GnuPG: Network access is now much faster if IPv6 is
not available. (T4165)
* GnuPG: Prepare against chosen-prefix SHA-1 collisions in key
signatures. This change removes all SHA-1 based key signature
newer than 2019-01-19 from the web-of-trust.
Note that this includes all key signature created with DSA-1024 keys.
The new option --allow-weak-key-signatues can be used to override
the new and safer behaviour. (T4755, CVE-2019-14855)
* GnuPG: Updated to Version 2.2.19.
(See: for additional News.)
GnuPG: 2.2.19
Kleopatra: 3.1.11
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.4.4
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.10 (2019-07-14)
* GpgOL: Fixed a possible plaintext leak to the
mail server, which could occur when opening and closing mails
while the mail was also visible in the message list. (T4622 T4621)
* GnuPG: Ignore all key-signatures received from keyservers. This
change is required to mitigate a DoS due to keys flooded with
faked key-signatures. The old behaviour can be achieved by adding
keyserver-options no-self-sigs-only,no-import-clean
to your gpg.conf. (T4607)
See: for an alternative to the
* GnuPG: Updated to Version 2.2.17.
(See: for News.)
GnuPG: 2.2.17
Kleopatra: 3.1.8
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.4.2
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.9 (2019-06-15)
* Kleopatra: Fixed autocompletion of recipients. (T4569)
funktioniert nun wieder. (T4569)
* GpgOL: Printing of crypto mails now fully works. (T4560)
* GpgOL: File -> Save As does now work. (T4318)
GnuPG: 2.2.16
Kleopatra: 3.1.8
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.4.0
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.8 (2019-06-06)
* Kleopatra: The certificate view now has configurable columns
and no longer looses state after a refresh.
(T4557 T3888 T3604)
* Kleopatra: The Dialog to add user-ids was improved and simplified.
* Kleopatra: A warning has been removed when searching for
fingerprints and the suggested behavior automated. (T4164)
* Kleopatra: The user-id certifications view has been improved
to better show the state of the certifications. (T4458)
* GpgOL: S/MIME certificates can now be placed similar to OpenPGP
keys into the address book. (T4479)
* GpgOL: A possible loss of attachments when forwarding crypto
and non crypto mails has been fixed. (T4526)
* GpgOL: It no longer can happen that attachments with a
Content-ID are hidden even though they are not visible
in the message body. (T4203)
* GpgOL: Added Draft encryption as an optional and currently
experimental feature. (T4388)
* GpgOL: S/MIME Mails now use the same icons as Outlook to avoid
user confusion. (T4558)
* GpgOL: The internal format for S/MIME Messages has
been changed to improve compatibility with other clients.
(T4278 T4553)
* GpgOL: Automatic encryption is no longer triggered for
users without an S/MIME certificate if S/MIME is preferred.
* GpgOL: A possibility that S/MIME Mails were still handled by
GpgOL even though S/MIME was disabled no longer exists.
* GpgOL: The security approval dialog has been improved and
handles situations with multiple keys better. (T4559)
* GpgOL: Several rare crashes have been fixed when memory debugging
was enabled.
* GpgOL: Now accepts some more broken mails from other clients.
* GpgOL, Kleopatra: A race condition that could lead to
random hang-ups of the complete GnuPG system after
using S/MIME has been fixed.
* GnuPG: Updated to Version 2.2.16.
(See: for News.)
GnuPG: 2.2.16
Kleopatra: 3.1.8
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.4.0
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.7 (2019-03-28)
* Kleopatra: Fixed a regression from 3.1.6 that
broke secret key export, keyserver refresh and
keyserver upload. (T4438)
* GPA: Fixed regressions from 3.1.6 that could
lead to crashes. (T4440 T4439)
GnuPG: 2.2.15
Kleopatra: 3.1.7
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.3.3
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.6 (2019-03-27)
* Kleopatra: An issue has been fixed that could cause
Kleopatra to generate broken TAR archives. (T4332)
If you are affected see:
* Kleopatra: When importing from X509 directory services
trusted-certs from dirmngr are also used. (T4266)
* Kleopatra: Secret key backup has been simplified.
* Kleopatra: It is now possible to generate keys
without signing capability. (T4373)
* Kleopatra: Startup time has been slightly
* Kleopatra: Generating keys on OpenPGP Smartcards
works again. (T4428)
* Kleopatra: Shows the embedded, encrypted, file name if it
differs from the actual file name. (T4390)
* Kleopatra, GnuPG: Can now directly import secret keys exported
from Symantec PGP Desktop. (T4392)
* Pinentry: A problem preventing pinentry from starting
in some minimal installations has been fixed. (T4347)
* GPA: An error when generating new keys has been fixed.
* GpgOL: The context menu of a crypto mail now offers to
permanently decrypt a message. (T3895)
* GpgOL: Forwarding sent crypto mails works now. (T4321)
* GpgOL: S/MIME Mail detection has been improved. Especially
when sending from exchange to exchange. (T4262 T3935)
* GpgOL: Now shows diagnostics in case sign/encrypt failed
* GpgOL: A crash when memory debugging was enabled
has been fixed. (T4262)
* GpgOL: With the new option "Import any keys included in mails"
GpgOL can now automatically import keys from mail headers
and attachments. (T4432)
* GpgOL: The option to automatically toggle secure can now
be modified to do this even if the keys are untrusted.
* GpgOL: An encrypted subject (e.g. from Enigmail) is now
shown after decryption. (T4433)
* GpgOL: Now uses descriptive names for OpenPGP MIME parts.
* GpgOL: Now provides a minimal API for other
Addins or Programs to work with
crypto mails which GpgOL would otherwise lock.
* GpgOL: There is now a warning in case GpgOL can't
represent an Outlook internal attachment format, like
for an Event. (T4184)
* GnuPG: An issue that could cause dirmngr not to launch
on some systems has been fixed. (T3381)
* GnuPG: Updated to Version 2.2.15.
(See: for News.)
GnuPG: 2.2.15
Kleopatra: 3.1.6
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.3.3
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.5 (2018-11-13)
* GpgOL: Random misbehavior (crashes, freezes, etc.) after
working with S/MIME has been fixed. (T4111)
* GpgOL: It is now possible to create a system wide
default configuration. (T4204)
* GpgOL: Fixed encoding problems with unusual charsets.
* GpgOL: Disabling data debugging removes more data
from debug logs. (T4193)
* GpgOL: The internal access to key data is now faster.
This fixes issues with automatic key resolution. (T4218)
* GpgOL: Emails in Junk folders can now be moved and
are marked. (T4188)
* GpgOL: The question to save changes no longer appears when
using the File menu. (T4236)
* Kleopatra: Random misbehavior (crashes, freezes, etc.) after
working with S/MIME has been fixed. (T4111)
* Kleopatra: Improved CRL cache operations. (T3967)
* GnuPG: Updated to version 2.1.11
(See: )
GnuPG: 2.2.11
Kleopatra: 3.1.4
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.3.2
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.4 (2018-10-17)
* GpgOL: It is now possible to configure OpenPGP keys through
Outlook contacts. (T4122)
* GpgOL: For improved security the signers email is now
shown in the trusted sender category. (T4183)
* GpgOL: Fixed the error: "Failed to resolve recipients." occurring
too often. (T4132 T4129)
* GpgOL: A problem that could prevent mails with Microsoft Office
files as attachments from beeing secured has been fixed. (T4131)
* GpgOL: Debugging has been improved and is now configurable in the
config dialog. (T4120 T4121)
* GpgOL: It is now possible to generally prefer S/MIME. (T4178)
* GpgOL: A problem that caused attachments to be hidden in
unusually structured emails has been fixed. (T4161)
* GpgOL: A crash when viewing mails in unknown codepages has
been fixed. (T4141)
* GpgOL: It is now possible to automatically import X509 certificates
for S/MIME from configured directory services. (T4174)
* GpgOL: Various smaller bugfixes.
* GPA: Search now also queries Web Key Directories.
* GPA: Improved error handling with diagnostic output.
GnuPG: 2.2.10
Kleopatra: 3.1.3
GPA: 0.10.0
GpgOL: 2.3.1
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.3 (2018-08-31)
* GpgOL: It is now possible to move crypto mails while they
are open. (T3459)
* GpgOL: Messages are automatically secured if certified keys / certificates
can be found for each recipient.
This can be turned off with the option "Automatically secure messages".
* GpgOL: Support for distribution lists has been added. (T4065)
* GpgOL: S/MIME can now be preferred when automatically resolving
recipients. (T3961)
* GpgOL: Encryption should no longer cause Outlook to freeze.
* GpgOL: Mails moved by Outlook folder rules are now handled by
GpgOL. (T4070)
* GpgOL: The config dialog was changed to improve future extensibility.
* GpgOL: Fixed various memory errors and stability problems.
* GpgOL: Verifying mails a second time is now much faster.
* GpgOL: Crashes related to filenames of attachments have been fixed.
(T4062 T4032)
* GpgOL: An error has been fixed which could lead to attachments not
beeing displayed.
* GpgOL: Sent on behalf of is now respected when verifying a signature.
* Kleopatra: Now offers diagnostic information in case of file
decryption errors.
* Kleopatra: Support for NetKey v3 Smartcards has been improved.
* Kleopatra: Decryption errors caused by missing integrity protection
(MDC) are now handled properly. (T4038)
* Kleopatra: Update check can now be disabled more easily. (T4043)
* Kleopatra: Special characters in GnuPG output should be displayed
correctly. (T2983)
* Kleopatra: p7m and p7s files are now also registered to be
opened with Kleopatra. (T3890)
* Kleopatra: Various minor improvements. (T3238 T4078 T3229 T4041)
* Installer: Silent install now correctly closes running Gpg4win
applications. (T4051)
* Installer: New optional module "Browser Integration" to register
GnuPG as backend for Mailvelope 3.0.
* GnuPG: The dirmngr process no longer requests Windows firewall
access. (T3610)
* GnuPG: S/MIME data is now handled faster. (T4069)
* GnuPG: Updated to 2.2.10
(See: )
GnuPG: 2.2.10
Kleopatra: 3.1.3
GPA: 0.9.10
GpgOL: 2.3.0
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.2 (2018-06-17)
* GpgOL: Removed support for Outlook 2003 and 2007. (T3984)
* GpgOL: Unsigned S/MIME mails are now treated more restrictive.
* GpgOL: Replies to unencrypted no-mime mails no longer only display
quoted contents. (T3964)
* GpgOL: Handling of special characters in no-mime mails has been
improved. (T3975)
* GpgOL: Added dutch and ukrainian translations.
* GpgOL: Additional crashes habe been fixed. (T3946)
* GpgOL: The resolution of ambigous recipients has been improved. (T3978)
* Kleopatra: Small usability improvements.
* GnuPG: Update to version 2.2.8 (CVE-2018-0495 CVE-2018-12020)
(See: )
GnuPG: 2.2.8
Kleopatra: 3.1.2
GPA: 0.9.10
GpgOL: 2.2.0
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.1 (2018-05-03)
* General: An issue was fixed, which could lead to
"Invalid crypto engine" errors. (T3919)
* S/MIME: An issue was fixed, which could prevent successful CRL
checks. (T3923)
* S/MIME: OCSP certificate checks can now be combined with CRL
* S/MIME: Certificate search on LDAP Servers works again. (T3937)
* Kleopatra: Activating a profile no longer requires a restart
of the affected components.
* GpgOL: Improved error handling for encryption and decryption.
* GpgOL: A possible crash when editing recipients has been fixed.
* GpgOL: The automatic recipient resolution has been improved.
Among other things it now properly handles S/MIME as a fallback.
* GpgOL: The context menu of crypto mails now has the option to
directly print the decrypted content. (T3762)
* GnuPG: Update to version 2.2.7
(See: )
GnuPG: 2.2.7
Kleopatra: 3.1.1
GPA: 0.9.10
GpgOL: 2.1.1
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.0 (2018-04-13)
* Kleopatra: Now offers a text editor for text based cryptography.
* Kleopatra: The extended certificate selection now offers import.
* Kleopatra: A crash when verifiying a detached signature has been fixed.
* Kleopatra: The advanced key generation now offers curve 25519. (T3826)
* Kleopatra: Certificate details have been improved.
* Kleopatra: Decrypting / verifiying multiple files at once has been fixed.
(KDE-Bug: 391222)
* Kleopatra: Serveral issues have been fixed, which occurred, if the
Appdata directory was redirected to an UNC path. (T3818)
* Kleopatra: Multiple minor improvements.
(T3845 T3846 T3776 T3723 T3849 T3850 T3865 T3868)
* GpgOL: Cryptographic functions are now called directly from GpgOL,
without using Kleopatra. This fixes several problems caused by
communication issues between Kleopatra and GpgOL. (T3509)
* GpgOL: PGP/Inline (i.e. non-MIME) is now supported for sign and encrypt.
This helps with compatibility problems like T3545.
* GpgOL: Another issue was fixed, which could cause decrypted mails
not to be displayed. (T3789)
* GpgOL: Outlook should no longer loose focus after encrypting a mail.
* GpgOL: Basic support for Web Key publishing has been added. (T3785)
* GpgOL: Additional mail types are now supported when reading.
(T3802 T3882)
* GpgOL: The handling of Exchange Mail addresses was improved. (T3082)
* GpgOL: A problem that could cause mails to be stuck in the outbox has
been fixed. (T3812)
* GpgOL: Now trys harder to fixup broken PGP/Inline (no-MIME) Messages.
* GpgOL: Forwarding of encrypted / signed mails with attachments
is now supported. (T3836)
* GpgOL: S/MIME is supported again with the last version of Exchange
2016. (T3853)
* GpgOL: Re-sending crypto mails is now supported. (T3884)
* GpgOL: An issue was resolved, which could lead to strange numbering
of attachments. (T3886)
* GnuPG: A rare problem that could lead to "General Error" messages
after a fresh install of Gpg4win has been fixed. (T3839)
* GnuPG: Updated to version 2.2.6.
(See: )
GnuPG: 2.2.6
Kleopatra: 3.1.0
GPA: 0.9.10
GpgOL: 2.1.0
GpgEX: 1.0.6
Kompendium DE: 4.0.1
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.0.3 (2018-01-12)
* GnuPG: Updated to 2.2.4.
* GpgOL: A bug that caused drafted mails not to encrypt the correct
content has been fixed. (T3419)
* GpgOL: A bug that caused encrypted mails not to be displayed has been
fixed. (T3537)
* GpgOL: A bug that caused sending unencrypted mails when Outlooks internal
S/MIME code was activated has been fixed. (T3656)
* GpgOL: PGP/Inline (no-mime) sending is now compatible with
Microsoft Exchange Online. (T3662)
* GpgOL: The recipient lookup for Exchange addresses has been
* GpgOL: Signatures of signed only mails with attachments have been
fixed. (T3735)
* GpgEX: An internal error when trying to verify a non-signature file
has been fixed. (T3658)
* Kleopatra: Sorting in Keylist has been fixed. (T3603)
* Kleopatra: Certificate details for S/MIME certificates have been improved.
(T3611, T3727, T3726)
* Kleopatra: Certificates can now be exported as text from the certificate
details. (T3605)
* Kleopatra: The usage of the temp directory to buffer decrypted data is now
configurable. (T3602)
* Installer: The installer no longer reinstalls desktop shortcuts on
upgrade. (T3729)
GnuPG: 2.2.4
Kleopatra: 3.0.2
GPA: 0.9.10
GpgOL: 2.0.6
GpgEX: 1.0.5
Kompendium DE: 4.0.0
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.0.2 (2017-12-08)
* GnuPG: Two issues have been fixed that could block
the GnuPG system. (T3378)
* GpgOL: More possible "random" crashes caused by
GpgOL have been fixed. (T3484)
* GpgOL: Outlook is no longer blocked when selecting many mails.
* GpgOL: G Suite Sync plugin accounts are now detected. Only sending
No-MIME PGP/Messages (without attachments) and unsigned
messages are supported. Reading crypto mail is fully supported.
* GpgOL: The option to send "No-MIME" (inline) PGP encrypted,
unsigned text messages without attachments works again. (T3514)
* GpgOL: Improved error handling for signed, unencrypted mails.
* GpgOL: Several performance improvements.
* GpgOL: Improved detection of large PGP/MIME messages and
MS-TNEF crypto messages. (T3419 , T3542)
* Kleopatra: Passphrase entry is no longer opened behind Kleopatra
windows. (T3460)
* Kleopatra: Decrypting archives across partitions has been fixed.
* Kleopatra: Fixed possible crash in GpgOL certificate selection.
* Kleopatra: Preselection of encrypt / sign file actions from GpgEX
works again. (T3543)
* Kleopatra: Added Web Key Directory lookup support in file
encryption dialog. (T3548)
* Kleopatra: Fixed crash when searching in LDAP. (T3550)
* Kleopatra: Fixed crash when aborting key generation. (T3577)
* Kleopatra: Certifications are accessible again from the certificate
details view. (T3579)
* Kleopatra: It is now possible to publicly certify an already locally
signed certificate. (T1649)
GnuPG: 2.2.3
Kleopatra: 3.0.1
GPA: 0.9.9
GpgOL: 2.0.5
GpgEX: 1.0.5
Kompendium DE: 4.0.0
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in Version 3.0.1 (2017-11-21)
* GpgOL: A cause for seemingly random crashes in Outlook has been
* GpgOL: A crash when pasting recipients has been fixed.
* GpgOL: Various problems regarding S/MIME mails have been fixed.
* GpgOL: A user interface error for Outlook 2010 has been fixed.
* GpgOL: Kleopatra is again started in the background to speed
up crypto operations.
* Kleopatra: Various problems regarding S/MIME file operations
have been fixed.
* Kleopatra: Various problems regarding folder operations and
archives have been fixed.
* GnuPG: Has been updated to version 2.2.3.
* Some small bugfixes and improvements.
* The mkportable process can be used again to create a portable
Gpg4win variant.
GnuPG: 2.2.3
Kleopatra: 3.0.1
GPA: 0.9.9
GpgOL: 2.0.3
GpgEX: 1.0.5
Kompendium DE: 4.0.0
Compendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 3.0.0 (2017-09-19)
* German compendium is now updated to Version 4.0. It is
adjusted to the changes made in Gpg4win 3.0.
* GnuPG is now of the modern 2.2 variant. See:
for more information about this.
* GpgOL is now also supported for Outlook 64 bit.
* GpgOL for Outlook 2010 and later, now uses toggle buttons
to let you select Encrypt and Sign. The operations are done
when the mail is sent, including all attachments,
using a standard format (MIME).
* GpgOL for Outlook 2010 and later, now automatically decrypts emails
* All 68 KDE translations for Kleopatra are now included in Gpg4win.
* Kleopatra uses an updated icon theme.
* Kleopatra now shows the used curve for ECC keys under `technical
* Kleopatra has been updated to a new set of base libraries.
* Binaries are now all installed in a `bin` sub-directory. DBus
and kbuildsycoa are no longer required. This fixes the startup issues
of Kleopatra some users were facing.
* After importing a secret key in Kleopatra you will be asked to directly
mark it as your own key (ownertrust).
* Kleopatra now allows you to create ECC keys in the `advanced settings`
during key generation.
* Kleopatras file menu now also offers to encrypt folders.
* Kleopatra has a new option to print a secret key using the tool `paperkey`.
* GPA and Kleopatra are now registered with Windows for OpenPGP and S/MIME
related file extensions.
* The file encryption dialog in Kleopatra has been redesigned
to reduce steps and improve user experience.
* Kleopatra automatically detects the type of an input file
and automatically starts the corresponding action (e.g. decrypt).
* Symmetric (password only) encryption is now accessible through
Kleopatra and can be combined with public-key encryption.
* Pinentry now enables you to inspect the typed passphrase.
* Kleopatra now supports OpenPGP smartcard management.
* GpgOL for Outlook 2010 and later, has a new interface to show
the signature / encryption state inside of Outlook.
* GnuPG now supports https and uses the https sks-keyserver pool
by default.
* GpgOL now supports sending and receiving HTML Mails
* Kleopatra has improved file verification messages.
* Kleopatra now supports to directly import missing certificates
when verifying a file.
* Many bugfixes and minor improvements.
GnuPG: 2.2.1
Kleopatra: 3.0.0
GPA: 0.9.9
GpgOL: 2.0.1
GpgEX: 1.0.5
Kompendium DE: 4.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.3.1 (2016-04-05)
* GpgOL now has an option dialog where S/MIME can be disabled.
* GpgOL now supports the 64 Bit version of Microsoft Outlook.
* GpgOL can be switched to the new, experimental, MIME aware behavior in
the Options Dialog.
* GpgOL now reverts temporary changes made to MIME mails. So that they
can be opened with other clients again.
* GpgEX no longer blocks the Windows Explorer while it starts GPA or
GnuPG: 2.0.30
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-gitfb4ae3d
GPA: 0.9.9
GpgOL: 1.4.0
GpgEX: 1.0.4
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.3.0 (2015-11-25)
* GpgOL now supports reading PGP/MIME and S/MIME mails, the standard
format for Crypto Mails as sent by Thunderbird/Enigmail, GPGMail
or KMail. For details see:
* GpgOL now supports Outlook 2016.
* AES-NI Instructions for faster encryption and decryption with AES
are now supported. (GnuPG Bug #1919)
* The decrypt/verify window of GpgOL no longer moves and resizes
erratically. (KDE Bug #355140)
* Bulk import of more then a hundred keys no longer fails when Kleopatra
is running. (GnuPG Bug #2135)
* French and Chinese localisation has been added to the installer,
GpgEX and GpgOL. Thanks to Oliver Serve and Mingye Wang.
* Several apparently random crashes in GpgOL have been fixed
(GnuPG Bug #1837)
* GpgOL now handles attachments in PGP/MIME and S/MIME mails with non ASCII
characters in the filename correctly.
* A vulnerability in the Gpg4win-installer has been fixed. See:
[security advisory 2015-11-25] for details.
GnuPG: 2.0.29
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-gitfb4ae3d
GPA: 0.9.9
GpgOL: 1.3.0
GpgEX: 1.0.3
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.6 (2015-09-09)
* Claws Mail has been removed from the package. Users of
Claws Mail should switch to the version maintained by
the Claws Mail initiative available on:
* GnuPG has been updated to Version 2.0.29.
* X509 Certificate requests can now again generated with
default options.
* GPA has been updated to Version 0.9.9.
GnuPG: 2.0.29
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-gitcf609810
GPA: 0.9.9
GpgOL: 1.2.1
GpgEX: 1.0.2
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.5 (2015-07-10)
* GnuPG has been updated to version 2.0.28. See release notes on for details.
* A potential crash during certificate search has been fixed.
* Kleopatra no longer queries revocation information for X509
certificates during startup. This will drastically improve
the startup time for some users.
Revocation information is still checked once a certificate is used.
* Kleopatra now uses the same defaults as GnuPG for new OpenPGP
* Third party libraries included in Gpg4win have been updated.
GnuPG: 2.0.28
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-gita3c9200
GPA: 0.9.7
GpgOL: 1.2.1
GpgEX: 1.0.2
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.4 (2015-03-17)
* GnuPG has been updated to version 2.0.27. See release notes on for details.
* Libgcrypt has been updated to version 1.6.3 (includes fix for
* An issue has been fixed which could cause extracted files from
TAR Archives to be truncated.
GnuPG: 2.0.27
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-git945878c
GPA: 0.9.7
GpgOL: 1.2.1
GpgEX: 1.0.1
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.3 (2014-11-25)
* The vanilla installer has been fixed by including GnuTLS.
* Creation of portable versions with mkportable has been fixed.
* GPA now works again under Windows XP.
* Verification of a detached signature without specifying what
should be verified may now show a warning and has been disabled
in batch mode.
* Tar archives can now include files and folders that use
special characters (e.g. umlauts) which can be encoded
in the native Windows 8-Bit codepage.
* Kleopatra now handles preprocessing (e.g. archiving) errors
and safely aborts the operation.
* GPA has been updated to version 0.9.6.
* A security problem in the libksba library has been fixed.
GnuPG: 2.0.26
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-git945878c
GPA: 0.9.6
GpgOL: 1.2.1
GpgEX: 1.0.1
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.2 (2014-09-03)
* GnuPG has been updated to version 2.0.26. See release notes on for details.
* Sreen reader support and accessibility of Kleopatra was improved.
* A library load problem has been fixed that could keep Kleopatra
from starting on some systems.
* Kleopatra has been updated to KDE Sofware Collection 4.14.
* Used libraries have been updated to their latest stable relase.
* GpgEX no longer crashes if the environment variable GNUPGHOME is set.
* Pinentry-qt warning and confirmation dialogs should now open always in
* Problems with Outlook sender and recipient address lookup have been
fixed in GpgOL. Especially for Microsoft Exchange addresses.
* Command line output is encoded to the Windows console encoding.
* The pinentry dialog is now translated correctly in the French locale.
* Command line wildcards (like *.txt) work again.
GnuPG: 2.0.26
Kleopatra: 2.2.0-gitac229d2
GPA: 0.9.4
GpgOL: 1.2.1
GpgEX: 1.0.1
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.1 (2013-10-08)
* Fixed possible infinite recursion in the compressed packet
parser. [CVE-2013-4402]
* Kleopatra no longer crashes when using Microsoft Office IME.
* Support for SPR332 and 532 pinpads.
GnuPG: 2.0.22
Kleopatra: 2.2.0
GPA: 0.9.4
GpgOL: 1.2.0
GpgEX: 1.0.0
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.2.0 (2013-08-20)
* GpgEx now works on Windows 64 bit.
* Gpg-agent may now be used as Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent)
replacement with additional smartcard support.
* Pinentry now allows to paste in the passphrase.
* Kleopatra no longer crashes when started by a regular user on
terminal servers (Windows Server).
* GpgOL provides rudimentary support for Outlook 2010 and 2013.
The following crypto functions are already available via the new
GpgOL ribbon rsp. Outlook's context menu (no MIME parsing, yet):
- Encrypting/decrypting mail bodys
- Saving and decrypting attachments
- Attaching and encrypting files
- Signing and signature verification (of opaque signatures)
* Extracting a tarball through the Kleopatra GUI now works reliable
* Added mkportable.exe as a tool to create a portable installation.
* Kleopatra now allows it to generate keys with a size up to 4096 bit.
GnuPG: 2.0.21
Kleopatra: 2.2.0
GPA: 0.9.4
GpgOL: 1.2.0
GpgEX: 1.0.0
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.1.1 (2013-05-28)
* New versions of GnuPG, GpgOL, GPA, Kleopatra, and Claws-Mail.
* Development files for the crypto libraries will now be installed.
GnuPG: 2.0.20
Kleopatra: 2.1.1
GPA: 0.9.4
GpgOL: 1.1.3
GpgEX: 0.9.7
Claws-Mail: 3.9.1
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0-beta1
Noteworthy changes in version 2.1.0 (2011-03-15)
* New versions of GnuPG, Kleopatra, GpgEX, GpgOL, Claws.
GnuPG: 2.0.17
Kleopatra: 2.1.0 (2011-02-04)
GPA: 0.9.1-svn1024
GpgOL: 1.1.2
GpgEX: 0.9.7
Claws-Mail: 3.7.8cvs47
Kompendium DE: 3.0.0
Kompendium EN: 3.0.0-beta1
Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.4 (2010-07-28)
* GpgSM bug fix.
GnuPG: 2.0.14 + 02-gpgsm-realloc-bug.patch
Kleopatra: 2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
GPA: 0.9.0
GpgOL: 1.1.1
GpgEX: 0.9.5
Claws-Mail: 3.7.4cvs1
Kompendium: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.3 (2010-05-29)
* Bug fixes.
GnuPG: 2.0.14
Kleopatra: 2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
GPA: 0.9.0
GpgOL: 1.1.1
GpgEX: 0.9.5
Claws-Mail: 3.7.4cvs1
Kompendium: 3.0.0
Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.2 (2010-04-12)
* Bug fixes and UI improvements.
GnuPG: 2.0.14
Kleopatra: 2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
GPA: 0.9.0
GpgOL: 1.1.1
GpgEX: 0.9.5
Claws-Mail: 3.7.4cvs1
Kompendium: 3.0.0-rc1
Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.1 (2009-09-28)
* Fixed a problem opening Office documents and URLs with a running
GnuPG: 2.0.12
Kleopatra: 2.0.11-svn1008232 (2009-09-25)
GPA: 0.9.0
GpgOL: 1.0.1
GpgEX: 0.9.3
Claws-Mail: 3.7.2cvs27
Kompendium: 3.0.0-beta4
Noteworthy changes in version 2.0.0 (2009-08-07)
* First production release of this major redesign. Over the last
15 months we did 15 beta releases and hopefully squashed most of
the serious bugs.
GnuPG: 2.0.12
Kleopatra: 20090807
GPA: 0.9.0
GpgOL: 1.0.0
GpgEX: 0.9.3
Claws-Mail: 3.7.2
Kompendium: 3.0.0-beta3
For older news see the file ONEWS in the source distribution.
5. Versionsnummern der einzelnen Programmteile
Zur Übersicht sind hier die Prüfsummen, sowie die Namen der einzelnen
Bestandteile, aufgelistet.
=========== SHA-1 checksum ============= == package ==
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6e38be3377340a21a1f13ff84b5e6adce97cd1d4 bzip2-1.0.6-g10.tar.gz
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6277b4e5b5e334b3669f15ae0376e184be9e8cd8 gdk-pixbuf-2.30.8.tar.xz
dc551d4783edf691c1f0095ca927d3128b5093e8 gettext-0.19.8.tar.xz
31de819181dd8abc25d89484ff6a4e60f032e8fc glib-2.41.5.tar.xz
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61475989acd12de8b7daacd906200e8b4f519c5a gpa-0.10.0.tar.bz2
30d3d3422f755ec23e5c98ef9dd4f8a3b5c88497 gpg4win-tools-201912131027.tar.gz
443270219d542f97b6f124d2101ae8d803c6dbe2 gpgex-1.0.6.tar.bz2
16330085208eb0c5da21dd2a3d5a1f552650e36b gpgme-1.14.0-beta36.tar.bz2
e561702fc4c8e323ee4a42ad265f9b2ee1fc11ba gpgol-2.4.4.tar.bz2
f3c2f1a3728ed51d08054f6b4c7384fbf99477c0 gtk+-2.24.28.tar.xz
6425d0d842f759375358fc4c5c7d50ff325a1b8d karchive-5.55.0.tar.xz
e2f986c4ad142c1a9ea15f9953eb1755be512128 kcodecs-5.55.0.tar.xz
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15c68506dbf569f1045e46950942f825781b5a1e kde-l10n-201912161047-bin.tar.xz
049e3277babdb7dd3e0f85739e57f46a637ee2e1 kguiaddons-5.55.0.tar.xz
271b63e0dc4da2359b3b3897a861c3ca63ad1649 ki18n-5.55.0.tar.xz
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4c122ac8989820e261d3dc3a617f731982edbc6c kitemmodels-5.55.0.tar.xz
90ec3cd4a7a37156f88ef6581197ab6ee334c490 kitemviews-5.55.0.tar.xz
694eb2256161fa96fb2047f90375a0d77fac6bab kleopatra-201912171000.tar.gz
4951cd349add960f86ce3cae4c8e997eb8ae932a kmime-17.12.2.tar.xz
82101907cd4c133d399cf8767010e46a256c1c44 kwidgetsaddons-5.55.0.tar.xz
562a5b81674d03a19dde81fa117b88dda8d6d59f kwindowsystem-5.55.0.tar.xz
7b9a1124d6bfe0bc00eb211e4759657d2c525c3d kxmlgui-5.55.0.tar.xz
6d81bf42fa91ed2894df8b65764ce899e39776f8 libassuan-2.5.3.tar.bz2
f5230890dc0be42fb5c58fbf793da253155de106 libffi-3.0.13.tar.gz
5245ce38b198cecd57775fb3c7b7328ec1a2a615 libgpg-error-1.36.tar.bz2
7af3149fa7c4bd1d3a36a30f02e95a0ebfd6b18f libiconv-1.15.tar.gz
c80e0e044dfcb082e8add15a84774f860e5e503b libkleo-201912161043.tar.gz
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2370c5913f95bcf1ec73397f1bfdea0a812fb60d qtsvg-5.12.1.tar.xz
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ce546e07af347d0ac0c01cec00990a3b5148cba2 qtwinextras-5.12.1.tar.xz
d9ef51adc1b08275d8fa4b9cfc01cf9960a60524 scute-1.6.0-beta187.tar.bz2
d648b98ce215f81e901f3f982470d37c704433a6 w32pth-2.0.5.tar.bz2
e6d119755acdf9104d7ba236b1242696940ed6dd zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
6. Rechtliche Hinweise zu den einzelnen Bestandteilen der Software
Gpg4win besteht aus einer ganzen Reihe von unabhängig entwickelten
Paketen, die teilweise unterschiedliche Lizenzen haben. Der Großteil
dieser Software ist, wie Gpg4win selbst, kompatibel mit der GNU General
Public License (GNU GPL). Allen gemeinsam ist, dass es Freie Software ist,
welche ohne Restriktionen benutzt werden kann, studiert und verändert werden
darf, sowie, dass Änderungen weitergeben dürfen. Wenn die Quelltexte (also
gpg4win-x.y.z.tar.bz2) mit weitergegeben werden und auf die die GNU
GPL hingewiesen wird, ist die Weitergabe fast immer möglich.
Zur Übersicht folgt eine Liste der Copyright Erklärungen.
Here is a list with collected copyright notices. For details see the
description of each individual package. This is not meant as an
exhaustive list of copyright notices. Notices from several packages
are even not listed. The license with the highest freedom protection is
the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3+); thus complying to
those terms and conditions should be sufficient. If in doubt check
the individual packages.
Gpg4win (the installer) is
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 g10 Code GmbH
2013-2018 Intevation GmbH
2019 g10 Code GmbH
2015-2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Software Engineering by Intevation GmbH
Gpg4win is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Gpg4win is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA
GnuPG is
Copyright 1998-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see .
See the files AUTHORS and THANKS for credits, further legal
information and bug reporting addresses pertaining to GnuPG.
Copyright 1999-2009 Nullsoft, Jeff Doozan and Contributors
Copyright 2002-2008 Amir Szekely
Copyright 2003 Ramon
Copyright 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
Copyright 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov
Copyright 1996-2000 Julian R Seward
This license applies to everything in the NSIS package, except where
otherwise noted.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The user interface used with the installer is
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Joost Verburg
[It is distributed along with NSIS and the same conditions as stated
above apply]
Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Red Hat, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Novell, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Codethink Limited.
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Collabora, Ltd.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
See the AUTHORS file for a list of people on the GLib Team. See the
ChangeLog files for a list of changes. These files are distributed
with GLib at
GPA is
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 G-N-U GmbH (
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Miguel Coca.
Copyright (C) 2005-2019 g10 Code GmbH
GPA uses fragments from the following programs and libraries:
JNLIB, Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GPGME, Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Werner Koch
WinPT, Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Timo Schulz
(For details, see the file `AUTHORS'.)
GPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see .
Copyright (C) 2007-2019 g10 Code GmbH
GpgEX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GpgEX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
Copyright (C) 2000 Werner Koch
Copyright (C) 2001-2019 g10 Code GmbH
2015-2019 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Software Engineering by Intevation GmbH
GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program; if not, see .
See the files AUTHORS and THANKS for credits, further legal
information and bug reporting addresses pertaining to GPGME.
GpgOL is
Copyright (C) 2004-2011 g10 Code GmbH
2015-2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Software Engineering by Intevation GmbH
2013-2018 Intevation GmbH
2019 g10 Code GmbH
GpgOL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GpgOL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program; if not, see .
See the files AUTHORS and THANKS for credits, further legal
information and bug reporting addresses pertaining to GpgOL.
GTK+ is
Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Modified by the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000. See the AUTHORS
file for a list of people on the GTK+ Team. See the ChangeLog
files for a list of changes. These files are distributed with
GTK+ at
Copyright (C) 1989,1991-2016· Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1994 X Consortium
1996 L. Peter Deutsch
1997 Werner Koch
1998 The Internet Society
1996-1999 Peter Gutmann, Paul Kendall, and Chris Wedgwood
1996-2006 Peter Gutmann, Matt Thomlinson and Blake Coverett
2003 Nikos Mavroyanopoulos
2006-2007 NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
2012-2019 g10 Code GmbH
2012 Simon Josefsson, Niels Möller
2012 Intel Corporation
2013 Christian Grothoff
2013-2019 Jussi Kivilinna
2013-2014 Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov
2014 Stephan Mueller
Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser general Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program; if not, see .
Copyright (C) 2001-2004, 2010, 2012-2019, g10 Code GmbH
libgpg-error is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
libgpg-error is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program; if not, see .
Pthreads-win32 is
Copyright(C) 1998 John E. Bossom
Copyright(C) 1999,2005 Pthreads-win32 contributors
Most of this is work available under the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 of
the License. The detailed terms are given in the file COPYING in
the source distribution; that very file may not be modified and thus
it is not possible to include it here.
BZIP2 is
This program, "bzip2", the associated library "libbzip2", and all
documentation, are copyright (C) 1996-2006 Julian R Seward. All
rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
3. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
not be misrepresented as being the original software.
4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written
Julian Seward, Cambridge, UK.
bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0.4 of 20 December 2006
adns is Copyright 2008 g10 Code GmbH, Copyright 1997-2000,2003,2006
Ian Jackson, Copyright 1999-2000,2003,2006 Tony Finch, and Copyright
(C) 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
adns is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program and documentation is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with adns, or one should be available above; if not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307, USA, or email
Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 David Shaw
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
The included man page is
Copyright (C) 2007 Peter Palfrader
Examples have been taken from David Shaw's README. The license is
the same as for Paperkey.
Copyright 2006, 2008 g10 Code GmbH
Scute is licensed under the GNU General Pubic License, either
version 2, or (at your option) any later version with this special
In addition, as a special exception, g10 Code GmbH gives permission
to link this library: with the Mozilla Foundation's code for
Mozilla (or with modified versions of it that use the same license
as the "Mozilla" code), and distribute the linked executables. You
must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of
the code used other than "Mozilla". If you modify the software, you
may extend this exception to your version of the software, but you
are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version and from all source files.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any
later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its
successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall
act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library. If not, see .
Copyright (C):
2002-2003, Marc Mutz
2008, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
2001-2010, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
2015-2018, Intevation GmbH
2015-2018, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Software Engineering by Intevation GmbH
2019, g10 Code GmbH
Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
[Compiled by wk 2006-02-15, last updated 2019-04-02]
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